



Saturday, January 28, 2012

Christmas in Kentucky

So I know I am a little late but I wanted to show you all some pictures of Christmas at my house.  Now I didn't get to go completely crazy like I wanted to because we were just so busy still settling in and everything but I definitely made Christmas happen as much as I could this year for sure!!  It was AMAZING being home for Christmas not just visiting home but really being home in my own house.  It's so funny before I left for Jersey my house in Georgetown was just that "a house" it didn't feel like home for some reason.  I could never figure out why though.  Not sure if it was because we never decorated it or if because we couldn't afford to furnish it so we had everyone's furniture in the house except our own.  Regardless what it was it bothered me that it never felt like home.  Now though after being away from it for a year it is the ONLY place that I want to be.  It was like a warm comfy hug when I walked back in those doors.  I never knew you could love a house so much.  It has been almost 4 months I think since we have been back and I still sit at my kitchen table and look out my window at my backyard and look at the lake and the land that I own and I think to myself how lucky I am to be able to be here and own this little piece of heaven.   I honestly couldn't pinpoint the main reason I love Kentucky so much but being away from it has really made me respect it that much more.  There is just something about this place that makes you feel special.  No, we don't have gorgeous snow covered mountains, or a nice sandy beach.  We don't have perfect weather most of the year and we don't even have amazing winters.  But there is something about the way the sun comes up over the rolling hills and the miles and miles of horse fences that just makes me smile each day.  The way some old barns look like they are barely going to stand through the next storm but other horse barns look like million dollar mansions.  I love the way that everyone always ask you WAY to much about your business and that they are always preaching to you about something.  I love the way that there is a sea of UK blue anywhere you go and you can gaurantee that anytime the game is on you might not be able to find a table at any restaurant with a TV.    That doesn't even include the people I am surrounded by down here.  I love being only an hour away from my best friend and her amazing intelligent little girl.  I also love that when I am having a bad day I can literally walk to my mommas and have her make me one of her amazing meals.  Trying to explain my family of neighbors is next to impossible but is something you have to experience to appreciate but it just wasn't the same without all of them in my day to day life, so I am very grateful to have that back.  I guess with everyone you really do just belong somewhere and I believe that I just belong here in Kentucky.  

Anyways I am getting off on a tangent here.  My main reason is I wanted to post some pictures of my house this year at Christmas.  I can't wait to compare these with next year though since I am hoping by next year that I will have my house painted and hopefully updated the way that I want it. 

 My hubby did an awesome job decorating the outside this year.  However he wouldn't let me go on the second roof to put lights so I will have to come up with something next year so that the top of the house doesn't look so dark.
 Next year I will have to make something for all the Christmas cards but this year I just put them all on the front entry table.
 I couldn't get this tree to show how awesome it looked in person in a picture but this was by far my favorite tree yet.  I have already picked up a couple things this year to add to it so I can't wait till next year.

 I couldn't believe how well this table and hutch ended up fitting in with my house but I am so in love with its old charm.  I can't believe I scored this and the table for only $150.  However it still needs some TLC and a little paint to bring it back to life.
 My awesome nativity set!  Thanks to my mother in law for buying me this set.  I absolutely love setting this up ever year.
 This was a big hit with the kids when they come over.  Thanks to my mom for all the plush reindeer with each name on their scarf now every time I go down in the basement I have to sing now Dasher, now Dancer, now Comet now Blizten, etc... hahaha
 This is my favorite couch I finally splurged on after three years of drooling over it.

 This is a view from my kitchen into what I call my fireplace room.  This tree still needs a lot of ornaments added on it but that will happen over the years as I have a serious problem spending full price on Christmas decorations.  Not really sure why.  I typically just blame it on my cheapness as I have a need to find a bargain on just about everything!!

This is to the right in my fireplace room.  I saw this table at a Pottery Barn outlet in Lancaster, PA when I was there earlier this year but for some reason couldn't convince myself nor my husband to let me buy it because it was 7' long and we weren't sure we would have the room for it in the house much less the truck.  However as soon as I moved back home I knew that it was exactly what I wanted.  So we trucked up to the outlet in OH just to find out they were all sold out.  Again we waited another month and I decided that it was too perfect and I wouldn't be able to find another table this long and perfect anywhere so we ended up buying it full price at Pottery Barn...I hate that we had to do it but I LOVE this table.  Plus for Christmas it was able to fit all of my Christmas store houses which is getting pretty hard to do as we keep buying a new one every year.

Well that pretty much summed up my Christmas decorations for this year.  I am hoping to add at least one more tree and a little more stuff here and there for next year.  I can't wait!!!  Stay tuned though cause I will be adding some pictures of the renovations Kenny my awesome hubby has been working on lately.  We have new paint, new lights and scraped ceiling so get excited!!!  :)